Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A Scare, Cameras, and October at Fenway
We had our first freakout over Huckleberry. Chrissy's baby doctor called her on Monday with news that she has hypothyroidism. They told her she needed to see an Endocrinologist. I went online and did a little research. Hypothyroidism (I'm going to call it hypo from now on, because I don't want to write so much) means your thyroid isn't making enough thyroid hormone. It makes you feel tired and weak, and can also cause you to gain a bunch of weight. I wasn't too worried since I didn't read anything about hurting the baby, and it said with medicine, hypo is easily controlled. I did some more research last night and found that it can often lead to bad motor skills, birth defects, and miscarriage; especially if it isn't caught early. Our appointment was set for Friday. So this morning (Wednesday), we were at the Dr.'s office when the doors opened. The Endocrinologist assured us that Huckleberry is going to be fine. Then he assured me a few more times that Huckleberry's going to be fine. He doesn't expect Huckleberry to have hypo and Chrissy's hypo was caught in time. I never thought I'd be one of those freak out kind of Dad's, and I still don't plan to be; but when a few days could be the difference between a completely normal Huckleberry and birth defects, I can be a little proactive.
The thing that bothers me the most, is when we first called the Baby Dr. to tell them she was pregnant, they told her they didn't want to see her until Halloween. If she hadn't been sick last month, they wouldn't have even taken her blood until a week from now. They also didn't seem to be in any hurry to make her appointment with the Endocrinologist. After all I've read about hypo, and our conversations with the Endocrinologist today, we've decided to do some baby doctor shopping.
We bought a 20-pack of batteries with a charger from Sam's a few weeks ago. The first time we used the new batteries in our camera, it quit working. Chrissy convinced me that I broke her camera while I was in Boston, so I bought her a new one (a pregnant woman pouting is not a good thing). Now the batteries aren't working in the new camera. We put the new batteries on a charger, and sure enough, the new batteries, right out of the box, were dead. Chrissy's response: "the good news is now we've got 2 cameras!!!". The bad news is we've now paid for 2 cameras. Oh well.
I'm watching the Boston Red Sox playing in game one of the Series right now. They made another amazing comeback last week against the Indians. After his MVP performance in the ALCS, I've almost been convinced to change Huckleberry's name to Beckett. I'm afraid that as soon as I do, he'll get hurt or his contract will run out and he'll sign with the Yankees. I'm not jinxing my team like that. I'll just stick with Huckleberry. Top 5 things I'm excited about this world series:
1. Beckett. What else can you say? He's awesome. He's already got 5 k's.
2. Youk-Ellsbury-Pedroia-Big Papi-Manny-Lowell-Tek-Papelbon Has there ever been a more lovable bunch?
a. Yoooouuuuuk: I love seeing him wait until 2 strikes before he starts swinging. The Greek God of Walks just stands there and waits. My favorite at-bats are when he is down 0-2, then proceeds to foul off strikes and take balls until he walks. Its awesome.
b. Pedroia: He looks like the kid brother in the neighborhood who's always trying to prove to everybody he's good enough to play with the big boys. He runs hard, he plays a good 2B, and when he swings, he looks like he's trying to break a Pinata, punching the ball as hard as he can.
c. Ellsbury: Ladies and Gentlemen, the future starting Centerfielder for the Boston Red Sox. I love Co Co, but he's no Ellsbury. Besides, Ellsbury sounds kind of like Huckleberry.
d. Big Papi: I like it when he hits big home runs, and gives other players hugs.
e. Manny: Stand and watch. Hit it over the monster, then stand there and enjoy it. I love it.
f. Lowell: Talk about a comeback player. This guy was terrible his last year in Florida.
Side note: Beckett just got his 7th K in the 4th inning.
g. Tek: Smartest player in the game, and one of the toughest. He's awesome.
h. Papelbon: closing the games out. He's the man (and I know him personally).
3. Jeter is playing golf right now. He he he.
4. Fenway: Best place I've ever been. Me and my Dad were sitting in one of those cramped seats, just a month ago. What an awesome place. What an awesome game. Win or lose this series, its been a great year.
5. Huckleberry's first World Series. Wouldn't it be cool if his first World Series was a Sox win? I don't care if he's still in Chrissy's stomach. It would still be cool.
Speaking of Chrissy's stomach, I have to hurry to the store for some potato chips and ketchup during the commercial. Doesn't that sound like a tasty snack?
The thing that bothers me the most, is when we first called the Baby Dr. to tell them she was pregnant, they told her they didn't want to see her until Halloween. If she hadn't been sick last month, they wouldn't have even taken her blood until a week from now. They also didn't seem to be in any hurry to make her appointment with the Endocrinologist. After all I've read about hypo, and our conversations with the Endocrinologist today, we've decided to do some baby doctor shopping.
We bought a 20-pack of batteries with a charger from Sam's a few weeks ago. The first time we used the new batteries in our camera, it quit working. Chrissy convinced me that I broke her camera while I was in Boston, so I bought her a new one (a pregnant woman pouting is not a good thing). Now the batteries aren't working in the new camera. We put the new batteries on a charger, and sure enough, the new batteries, right out of the box, were dead. Chrissy's response: "the good news is now we've got 2 cameras!!!". The bad news is we've now paid for 2 cameras. Oh well.
I'm watching the Boston Red Sox playing in game one of the Series right now. They made another amazing comeback last week against the Indians. After his MVP performance in the ALCS, I've almost been convinced to change Huckleberry's name to Beckett. I'm afraid that as soon as I do, he'll get hurt or his contract will run out and he'll sign with the Yankees. I'm not jinxing my team like that. I'll just stick with Huckleberry. Top 5 things I'm excited about this world series:
1. Beckett. What else can you say? He's awesome. He's already got 5 k's.
2. Youk-Ellsbury-Pedroia-Big Papi-Manny-Lowell-Tek-Papelbon Has there ever been a more lovable bunch?
a. Yoooouuuuuk: I love seeing him wait until 2 strikes before he starts swinging. The Greek God of Walks just stands there and waits. My favorite at-bats are when he is down 0-2, then proceeds to foul off strikes and take balls until he walks. Its awesome.
b. Pedroia: He looks like the kid brother in the neighborhood who's always trying to prove to everybody he's good enough to play with the big boys. He runs hard, he plays a good 2B, and when he swings, he looks like he's trying to break a Pinata, punching the ball as hard as he can.
c. Ellsbury: Ladies and Gentlemen, the future starting Centerfielder for the Boston Red Sox. I love Co Co, but he's no Ellsbury. Besides, Ellsbury sounds kind of like Huckleberry.
d. Big Papi: I like it when he hits big home runs, and gives other players hugs.
e. Manny: Stand and watch. Hit it over the monster, then stand there and enjoy it. I love it.
f. Lowell: Talk about a comeback player. This guy was terrible his last year in Florida.
Side note: Beckett just got his 7th K in the 4th inning.
g. Tek: Smartest player in the game, and one of the toughest. He's awesome.
h. Papelbon: closing the games out. He's the man (and I know him personally).
3. Jeter is playing golf right now. He he he.
4. Fenway: Best place I've ever been. Me and my Dad were sitting in one of those cramped seats, just a month ago. What an awesome place. What an awesome game. Win or lose this series, its been a great year.
5. Huckleberry's first World Series. Wouldn't it be cool if his first World Series was a Sox win? I don't care if he's still in Chrissy's stomach. It would still be cool.
Speaking of Chrissy's stomach, I have to hurry to the store for some potato chips and ketchup during the commercial. Doesn't that sound like a tasty snack?
Monday, October 22, 2007
I Knew Them When
Pretty impressive. One of my friends from back home ended up on page B1 of the New York Times. His indie rock band Black Kids was playing some festival in New York. Its nice to know somebody famous.
Picture from the Times

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Health and Wealth
If I could pick any heresy, and make it true, it would be the "Health and Wealth Gospel". I wish I was a champion, could make the pain go away, could be wealthy, could pray my Gators into another National Championship. Problem is, this world isn't about me. God isn't here for my pleasure. I was created for His pleasure. My pastor told me this morning that God has earned the right to demand my worship and obedience, because of who He is, and what He's done. Check out what this guy says about the health and wealth approach. Do you think relativism has a hold in the Christian Church.
Can't Sleep
Warning: Rambling Ahead. Don't read past the 2nd paragraph, its not worth your time. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Can't sleep. It's 2:55 in the morning and I haven't slept a wink. Good thing tomorrow's Sunday. Church starts a lot later than work. Thought I'd do something productive since I've already seen Sportscenter 3 times, College Football twice, and the Red Sox highlights 3 times.
My Uncle sent me this great website that will give you a little insight into which politician agrees with you on the big issues. I mostly agree with Barack Obama. Just kidding. I'm actually closest to John McCain. This is the 3rd time I've taken the test. The first 2, I was closest to Duncan Hunter. After thinking through things a little more, I took the test again and I'm closest to McCain. There were a few things I wasn't sure about:
What do we do with Iraq? I say decentralize it by dividing the country into 3 different regions, but I also say stay as long as it takes to get Iraqi forces to take over.
Just found out Max McGee died (famous Green Bay Packer). He fell off his roof while trying to blow off the leaves. My builder wanted to keep this big tree in our front yard, halfway hanging over our house. I told him to cut it down. I don't want to deal with all those stinkin leaves. If Max McGee would have cut down the trees hanging over his roof, he'd still be alive..... Food for thought.
What about immigration? Should employers get stiff fines for hiring illegals? I definitely want a fence, and no legal status given to illegals. I have to say though, my best subcontractor is a mostly hispanic group and they do a darn good job. Maybe we could make exceptions for really good masons. We could have a wall building test and everything.
I think the one I'm the most unsure of is the energy part. Should federal assistance be given for the production of alternative fuels? I hate the idea of having to rely on oil from other countries. I'd love to give farmers another customer as well. Just think, corn nuggets and gas, all from the same thing. My father-in-law brought up a good point though. Is "more government" the best way?
Did you know you could get Country Songs 4 Worship for $17.99? Oh but wait... if you call right now, you could get it for $9.99. But I guess no one else I know is up at this hour, so I'm the only one that could take advantage of this great offer.
What about a constitutional amendment defining marriage. I'm a big fan of the sanctity of marriage. I just don't know if we need our government to define it for us. I also don't know what to think about the government getting into social issues that don't effect other people (Marijuana, Gambling etc...). Yeah, there should be rules about murder and robbery, because they effect other people. But should we really mess with what people do to themselves? How do you choose which sins to make illegal? Should sloth be illegal? How about pride? What about Marijuana? I guess you could make the argument that things like gambling can lead to addiction and effect your family, but can't every sin effect your family in a negative way?
Funny Chrissy-ism of the day: We stopped at a gas station yesterday, and I asked if she wanted to go inside with me. Her response, in her saddest voice - "No, I'd have to button my pants". Don't know if its just funny because its now 3:30, or if its really funny. Also don't know if I'll get in trouble for sharing that.
Can't sleep. It's 2:55 in the morning and I haven't slept a wink. Good thing tomorrow's Sunday. Church starts a lot later than work. Thought I'd do something productive since I've already seen Sportscenter 3 times, College Football twice, and the Red Sox highlights 3 times.
My Uncle sent me this great website that will give you a little insight into which politician agrees with you on the big issues. I mostly agree with Barack Obama. Just kidding. I'm actually closest to John McCain. This is the 3rd time I've taken the test. The first 2, I was closest to Duncan Hunter. After thinking through things a little more, I took the test again and I'm closest to McCain. There were a few things I wasn't sure about:
What do we do with Iraq? I say decentralize it by dividing the country into 3 different regions, but I also say stay as long as it takes to get Iraqi forces to take over.
Just found out Max McGee died (famous Green Bay Packer). He fell off his roof while trying to blow off the leaves. My builder wanted to keep this big tree in our front yard, halfway hanging over our house. I told him to cut it down. I don't want to deal with all those stinkin leaves. If Max McGee would have cut down the trees hanging over his roof, he'd still be alive..... Food for thought.
What about immigration? Should employers get stiff fines for hiring illegals? I definitely want a fence, and no legal status given to illegals. I have to say though, my best subcontractor is a mostly hispanic group and they do a darn good job. Maybe we could make exceptions for really good masons. We could have a wall building test and everything.
I think the one I'm the most unsure of is the energy part. Should federal assistance be given for the production of alternative fuels? I hate the idea of having to rely on oil from other countries. I'd love to give farmers another customer as well. Just think, corn nuggets and gas, all from the same thing. My father-in-law brought up a good point though. Is "more government" the best way?
Did you know you could get Country Songs 4 Worship for $17.99? Oh but wait... if you call right now, you could get it for $9.99. But I guess no one else I know is up at this hour, so I'm the only one that could take advantage of this great offer.
What about a constitutional amendment defining marriage. I'm a big fan of the sanctity of marriage. I just don't know if we need our government to define it for us. I also don't know what to think about the government getting into social issues that don't effect other people (Marijuana, Gambling etc...). Yeah, there should be rules about murder and robbery, because they effect other people. But should we really mess with what people do to themselves? How do you choose which sins to make illegal? Should sloth be illegal? How about pride? What about Marijuana? I guess you could make the argument that things like gambling can lead to addiction and effect your family, but can't every sin effect your family in a negative way?
Funny Chrissy-ism of the day: We stopped at a gas station yesterday, and I asked if she wanted to go inside with me. Her response, in her saddest voice - "No, I'd have to button my pants". Don't know if its just funny because its now 3:30, or if its really funny. Also don't know if I'll get in trouble for sharing that.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Name Game
We're trying to pick out a name for Huckleberry.... Other than Huckleberry since Chrissy keeps saying "STOP CALLING HIM HUCKLEBERRY!!!". Anyways, we're looking for alternative names for Huckleberry, when we're not calling him Huckleberry. Any suggestions for Huckleberry's name?
These are the ones I liked, but Chrissy has already vetoed:
Boss, Jessie, Bo, Luke Enus, Cletus, Cooter, and Roscoe P. (somebody's not a Dukes of Hazzards fan).
Ace (I really like it, but one of Chrissy's best friends has a son named Ace, and she doesn't want to copy her friends. Ace-man would have been cool though)
John Wayne
Chuck Norris
Jedi - The force will not be with him.
Lester, Wakefield, Coco, Manny, Big Papi, Jacoby, Bruschi (somebody's not a New England/Red Sox fan)
For twins: Walker and Texas Ranger, Levi and Garrett, Smith and Wesson
Matilda for a girl
These are Chrissy's that I've vetoed:
Timothy, Titus, Steven (my male spawn will not sing showtoons).
My Father-in-law Jack suggested Red Fox McLeod. I liked it, but Chrissy pulled her veto out. Then I suggested Lamont, but the veto card was pulled yet again.
Boy 1st names we've both agreed on as possibilities. My favorites in bold, her favorites in italics:
Ezekiel - Strength from God
John Owen - Protestant Reformer. We'd call him J. O., like my Grandfather.
Micah - Who is Like God?
Donovan (After the great basketball coach, Go Gators)
Silas- Means Man of the Forest
Eli - If he wasn't a Manning brother
Brady (After Touchdown Tom Brady)
Boaz - Means strength
Boy middle names we've both agreed on:
Baxley - My Mom's maiden name.
Beau -pronounced Bo. My Dad and his brothers always call each other Beau. I like it.
Yaz (After Yastremski) - although, I did adopt a puppy before Maggie named Yaz that died.
Drake - Chrissy's grandmother's maiden name.
Easton - like the baseball bat
Girl names we've agreed on:
Sara Jane
Allison - I'd call her Allie
Lucy - She'd have SOME SPLAININ TO DO
Reagan - After the President
These are the ones I liked, but Chrissy has already vetoed:
Boss, Jessie, Bo, Luke Enus, Cletus, Cooter, and Roscoe P. (somebody's not a Dukes of Hazzards fan).
Ace (I really like it, but one of Chrissy's best friends has a son named Ace, and she doesn't want to copy her friends. Ace-man would have been cool though)
John Wayne
Chuck Norris
Jedi - The force will not be with him.
Lester, Wakefield, Coco, Manny, Big Papi, Jacoby, Bruschi (somebody's not a New England/Red Sox fan)
For twins: Walker and Texas Ranger, Levi and Garrett, Smith and Wesson
Matilda for a girl
These are Chrissy's that I've vetoed:
Timothy, Titus, Steven (my male spawn will not sing showtoons).
My Father-in-law Jack suggested Red Fox McLeod. I liked it, but Chrissy pulled her veto out. Then I suggested Lamont, but the veto card was pulled yet again.
Boy 1st names we've both agreed on as possibilities. My favorites in bold, her favorites in italics:
Ezekiel - Strength from God
John Owen - Protestant Reformer. We'd call him J. O., like my Grandfather.
Micah - Who is Like God?
Donovan (After the great basketball coach, Go Gators)
Silas- Means Man of the Forest
Eli - If he wasn't a Manning brother
Brady (After Touchdown Tom Brady)
Boaz - Means strength
Boy middle names we've both agreed on:
Baxley - My Mom's maiden name.
Beau -pronounced Bo. My Dad and his brothers always call each other Beau. I like it.
Yaz (After Yastremski) - although, I did adopt a puppy before Maggie named Yaz that died.
Drake - Chrissy's grandmother's maiden name.
Easton - like the baseball bat
Girl names we've agreed on:
Sara Jane
Allison - I'd call her Allie
Lucy - She'd have SOME SPLAININ TO DO
Reagan - After the President
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Player of the Game
Saturday, we saw another little league game. My other nephew Noah had a couple of hits, a 4-3 put out, and a 4U-3 double play. I'm so proud of him! He won player of the game, and got a game ball signed by his coaches.
Taught him everything I know.
About to get his first hit
The fans were getting rowdy!
Taught him everything I know.
Florida-LSU, The Rematch
Revenge Is Sweet.
We went to my Sister's this weekend for some little league baseball and a birthday party. The league Owen and Noah (our nephews) are in decided to use college teams instead of Major League Baseball Teams. Owen is on the Florida Gators. As luck would have it... or was it fate; the Gators were playing the LSU Tigers Friday night. Yep... revenge was sweet. I know they don't keep score in tee ball, but I was keeping score. And we definitely won this time around. Go Gators, and Go Owen!!!
In the Dugout, Getting Ready to whoop up on some Tigers
Just Before Hitting a Single
Playing a Little Defense
We went to my Sister's this weekend for some little league baseball and a birthday party. The league Owen and Noah (our nephews) are in decided to use college teams instead of Major League Baseball Teams. Owen is on the Florida Gators. As luck would have it... or was it fate; the Gators were playing the LSU Tigers Friday night. Yep... revenge was sweet. I know they don't keep score in tee ball, but I was keeping score. And we definitely won this time around. Go Gators, and Go Owen!!!
Slugger taking a little BP
Friday, October 12, 2007
I know that this isn't exciting or funny but I am excited about it so I thought that I'd share. I have not had a good night's sleep in forever, I am constantly waking up (usually 4-5 times a night). Just two nights a go I woke up almost every hour. Part of this is due to being pregnant (either getting sick or going to the bathroom constantly) and part of it is due to having a cold for the past couple of weeks. Last night for some reason was different. I only woke up one time and that was to let Maggie out of our bedroom. I couldn't believe it. I was hoping that I would also get to sleep late, but Maggie was worried when I didn't get up at my normal time so she woke me up at 6 and I couldn't go back to bed. Let's all pray that tonight I will get just as good of a night's sleep.
Monday, October 08, 2007
My Favorite Month
I love October. There are a lot of great things that happen this time of year:
1. The weather is awesome. It was in the 70's today.
2. Football season is in full swing. Go Pats, Jags, and Gators.
3. My favorite holiday caps it off. I love candy. Love scary movies. And I love candy.
Did you know Chrissy wanted to get married in October? Yeah right. Like I'd let that happen. I'm sure she'd want to spend every anniversary for the rest of her life watching the Red Sox in the playoffs or watching me pout while I watched other baseball teams play.
I read this article today, and it made me realize how lucky we are with Huckleberry coming in May. What if he came in October? How would I explain to Huckleberry that I didn't see his birth because Beckett was pitching a shutout into the 6th when Chrissy starts doing her pushing thing? Now we just need to make sure He doesn't come the weekend in May when the Sox will be playing at Atlanta; though it would be cool to say he was born at Turner Field.
1. The weather is awesome. It was in the 70's today.
2. Football season is in full swing. Go Pats, Jags, and Gators.
3. My favorite holiday caps it off. I love candy. Love scary movies. And I love candy.
Did you know Chrissy wanted to get married in October? Yeah right. Like I'd let that happen. I'm sure she'd want to spend every anniversary for the rest of her life watching the Red Sox in the playoffs or watching me pout while I watched other baseball teams play.
I read this article today, and it made me realize how lucky we are with Huckleberry coming in May. What if he came in October? How would I explain to Huckleberry that I didn't see his birth because Beckett was pitching a shutout into the 6th when Chrissy starts doing her pushing thing? Now we just need to make sure He doesn't come the weekend in May when the Sox will be playing at Atlanta; though it would be cool to say he was born at Turner Field.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Be Vewwy Vewwy Quiet...
I told you she's a killer. A vicious animal. We're in Anniston for the weekend. Sheila (Chrissy's mom) let her out this morning for what she thought was her morning bathroom break. Little did she know its wabbit season in Anniston. When Sheila called her to come back in, she picked up part of Thumper to bring in with her. If you're squeemish, or belong to PETA, you might not want to look below.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Huckleberry's First Pictures
There he is!!! Little Huckleberry's first pictures. He's the little white bump inside the big black part that looks like a kidney. The heartbeat was 139 beats per minute. We could actually see the heart beating. He looked like a little Mexican jumping bean. He's 7 millimeters big. Just think, someone that small will one day be playing balls off the monster at Fenway. 

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