Got to go to our very first Sox game last week. Our niece Caroline came along with us. We had a great time, but there were some ummm difficulties that come along with bringing a baby to a baseball game. This is where our seats were.

Piglet was doing great until the Rays were announced. When it got real loud, Piglet got real upset. So we moved here.

The problem was we moved during the top of the first, when Papi hit a 3 run homer and Lowell followed up with a solo shot to the section we were originally sitting in. Kaitlin was wore out by about the 6th inning.

It was a good game to go to. The Sox won 13-5. There were some happy Sox fans.

Pedroia the Destroiah, rounding the bases during batting practice.

We spent some time with family in Jacksonville as well. Kaitlin got to visit her Papa and Nana Baxley.

Caroline got to ride the golf cart. She's growing up so fast.

Piglet went to the beach for the first time.

She was fascinated by the waves, the moon, the sounds. She even dipped her feet in the water.

All that traveling sure does wear a girl out.

Here are a few more random pictures:

Happy bath time!!!