Although it wasn't a great year for the Gators, Daddy still had to take one trip down to the swamp for a game. But this wasn't a fun trip. This trip was all business. Due to the influence of a certain cousin, Piglet decided it would be funny to tell her Daddy that she doesn't like the "chomp chomps" anymore. After I finished wiping the tears from my eyes, I realized one of my life long dreams was in jeopardy. Our primary goal in raising our children is that they will be believers who worship and glorify God. Our secondary goal is that they will graduate from the University of Florida. So off we went on our mission. The goal: re-convert Piglet to Gator nation.

Piglet, Daddy, Papa, andCousin "Ya Ya" (the one who told Piglet to break her Daddy's heart) took off on a Friday afternoon for Gainesville. Things didn't start off well when she said she didn't want to see Albert (the mascot) because he's scary. That problem was solved as soon as we saw the statue above. Albert has a special friend named Alberta. Piglet was excited about a girl mascot. From that moment on, finding Alberta became the focus during that day.
We attend Gator Walk, a tradition the last coach brought from Notre Dame. It was cool to be that close to Coach Muschamp (above), and Papa's favorite player, John Brantley (below).
But oh were we excited to see Albert and Alberta (behind the highway patrolman).
Then we went to Daddy's school, Weil Hall. It brought back some fond memories.
Piglet and Ya Ya had a great time at the game. Piglet lasted all the way into the second quarter before requiring the previously promised popcorn and coke.
Piglet didn't like the loud music over the intercom, but she was fascinated by the band and the girls with the flags. We also spent a good bit of time looking for her favorite instrument, the french horn.
If you ever ask Piglet where she wants to go for dinner, you're certain to get one answer: Pizza Hut.
We also enjoyed the special treat of jumping on the bed at the hotel.
Late in the fourth quarter, we looked over the wall at all the school buildings and I told her about how much I loved going to school here. Piglet looked at Daddy and said the sweetest words:
"Daddy, when I get older, can I go to school here?"
Yes you can honey. Mission accomplished.