We are over halfway before "Rufus"gets here. I know that I should be putting up pictures of the last ultrasound but we don't have a scanner and we just can't remember for Chad to take the pictures to work with him so he can scan them there. Hopefully next week I will be able to put them up. Kaitlin has decided that she would rather "Rufus" be a sister instead of a brother. She has also started calling her baby dolls and her stuffed puppy dogs Rufus "so we can have a lot of Rufuses". Katie also likes to point out that her belly is getting bigger just like mine. Oh how I love to hear that! I am still trying to potty train Kaitlin but she wants no part of it. She says that she wants to wear a diaper, be a baby instead of a big girl and that she can go to school and just not potty while she's there. I can feel "Rufus" moving around but he is in no way as active as Kaitlin was. I can't figure out his schedule but with Kaitlin I could feel her every morning when I woke up, before my nap after work and right before I went to bed. Maybe that means "Rufus" will be calm. He'll have to be tough to handle Kaitlin's hugs.