Me and Chrissy went to Warm Springs, Georgia this weekend with some of my coworkers and their families. Warm Springs is a small town north of Columbus with a great restaurant called the Bullock House. The Bullock House was a buffet with fried chicken, dressing, corn, green beans, biscuits, and really good chocolate cake. The town also had some little Christmas stores. It was fun, but would have been better if it wasn't so cold. All in all though, it was another great evening with my wife. Saturday, I worked all morning and we went to Auburn in the afternoon. We didn't go to the game, but we spent some time with Chrissy's parents and brother. Church was good today. Mitch (the pastor) talked about being thankful. He told a story about a friend of his who is teaching English to college students in China. He was telling them about Thanksgiving and the history behind it. He said one of the students asked him who we were thankful to. It is amazing that some people don't even know. Sometimes I catch myself just being grateful for all I have, but forgetting about the God who has blessed me so. We're going to dinner with some friends tonight. I'll work until Wednesday and then we're heading to Florida for Thanksgiving. Good times.
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