1. Morning sickness doesn't wait for 3-4 months.
2. Chrissy's stomach won't start um.... growing for 2 or 3 months.
3. Morning sickness doesn't wait for the alarm clock to go off.
4. Being pregnant doesn't always make girls hungry. Chrissy's appetite has actually decreased.
5. Morning sickness doesn't end in the morning. We've been blessed, that Chrissy has only hurled one day since we found out. She just feels sick to her stomach some times.
6. The pregnancy actually effects the guy physically too. Its called sympathy pains. I'm hungry all the time. All I want is pizza and McDonalds..... Wait a minute...... I think I was always like that.
7. Don't watch the movie "Knocked Up". I remember watching "Father of the Bride" with my family while I was engaged to Chrissy. It was fun. Made us even more excited about getting married. Watching the movie "Knocked Up" after finding out your wife is pregnant doesn't give you that same feeling. Now I'm just afraid.
8. You can't eat non-pasteurized cheese, deli meat, or cookie dough. Bummer about the cookie dough.
9. Women tell you congratulations. Men tell you your life is over. Thanks Dad, and Jason.
10. Getting a girl pregnant makes your favorite baseball team win their division. Go Red Sox!!! Yankees Suck.
Chrissy went to the Doctor last week because of stomach cramps. They said Huckleberry is fine, and Chrissy is definitely pregnant. We're going next Thursday to listen to Huckleberry's heart beat. The due date is May 24th. The Doctor said she may change it though.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
New York City
Saw plenty of great things in New York City. We started our day by driving to a train station north of NYC. Kind of uncertain about where we were going, but we got there without a hitch.

We left after the 3rd inning with the score 4-2 Yankees. Our reasons for leaving early,
1. It was extremely hot and neither one of us wanted to look like a Cape Cod Lobster
2. The Yankees were winning
3. There were so many great things to see....
Times Square
The Manhattan Bridge
Statue of Liberty (from the Brooklyn Bridge)
Grand Central Station
The New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street
The Florida Hillbillies in front of Trump Tower. You think Trump would say "you're fired" to these 2 guys?
Ground Zero
We took the train into Harlem, and then the subway to: 
Yankee Stadium
Sissy boy hit a homerun in the bottom of the first, then dropped a potential inning-ending foul ball in the top of the third. 1. It was extremely hot and neither one of us wanted to look like a Cape Cod Lobster
2. The Yankees were winning
3. There were so many great things to see....
The Brooklyn Bridge. Picture taken from the Brooklyn side looking into Manhattan
Brooklyn Bridge with Gothic Architecture
A few other interesting things about the bridge: You could actually see some of the brick that covered the street where the asphalt is worn away. The bridge was opened for use in 1883.
I did a little research on the bridge after we got back. During the last inspection, the state of the bridge was reported to be in "poor" condition. Good thing I didn't eat that second slice of pizza before we walked over it.
Empire State Building
It's a 102 Story Art Deco Style Building. It has been called one of the 7 modern wonders of the world. A few years ago, a women dried to jump out of one of the windows. The wind was blowing so hard, she fell one story and was blown back into the window of the floor below.
Quick Story: We weren't sure which building was the Empire State Building so I called Chrissy to ask if she could help us out. Her response was "its the tall one". Thanks for the help sweet heart. Thats why I married you!!!
George Washington was sworn into office only a block away from this historic building.
Maggie the Wonderdog!!!
Its a bird....
Its a plane..... 

No!! Its Maggie the Wonderdog!!!!

Maggie got her Halloween costume early. Pretty cool huh?
Monday, September 03, 2007
THEE FENWAY PARK!!!!First time ever inside Fenway. The Sox lost 9-8, but it was still a great night. Unfortunately, we were there one day too early. Clay Buchholz pitched a no-hitter in his second ever start the next day. The seats at Fenway are the most cramped seats I've ever seen. I actually had to wedge my butt into the seat, and I don't have a butt. The stadium was awesome though. You could just feel the history. The Monstah, Pesky Pole, Yawkey Way.
We got there a couple hours early to walk around the park.
Even the street signs were awesome.
Yawkey Way
Kevin Millaaahhh is still a fan favorite despite now playing for Baltimore.The great Johnny Pesky, who played short stop for the Sox back in the 40s and 50s. He still comes to all the home games in full uniform.

This picture was taken from our seats. Pretty cool huh? I could actually pee on the field from my seat; not that I would.

I was sitting in the lone red seat when I took this picture. Legends has it, Ted Williams hit a homerun this far and hit a guy that was asleep sitting in this seat. It was a 502 foot homer.

Me and Dad, next to the seat.

Big Papi rounding third after a monster homerun.

Freedom Trail
Started off at Bunker Hill. 
It was a tough walk to the to the top of the monument, but a great view. 

The Old North Church
Lot of old graves from back in the 16 and 1700's.
Paul Revere
Samuel Adams
The 5 who died in the Boston Massacre
Herbie Hancock

Increase Mather, the "Greatest American Puritan"
The U.S. Constitution nicknamed Old Ironsides
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Now Leaving Enemy Territory
We're on the interstate heading back to Mass. from New York City. I'm using my Dad's laptop with wireless internet, while he's driving. It works great, except it would take forever to download pictures. So I'll just give a summary tonight and pictures later. We got lost again on our way to NYC. We took a train to Harlem where we were going to switch to the subway. Problem was, the subway was 1/2 mile away from the train station, and surprise, surprise, Harlem isn't the nicest neighborhood. The other problem is that there were no bathrooms. So me and my Dad had to walk through Harlem, trying not to do the pee pee dance, and also trying not to look anyone in the eye. We finally found a bathroom in the Bronx near the stadium. We realized that we couldn't go through monument park because we were in the cheap seats. To their credit, the cheap seats were only $12. Well, thats the end of the positives about the Yankees. We sat through 3 innings of A-Rod hitting homers and dropping foul balls. One funny note: Joe Torre asked that the umpires to confiscate one of the D-Ray's player's bats, so the next inning, the D-Ray's manager asked for Sissy Boy's bat to be confiscated in retaliation. I didn't know what was going on at the time, but now that I do know, it is kind of funny. After 3 innings of sitting in the hot sun, we mutually agreed our time would be better spent walking around doing the tourist thing than sitting there watching the pinheads in pinstripes play the worst team in baseball while our skin was slowly cooking. So we left and saw some of the sites in NYC.
Here's a list of the ones we saw:
New York Stock Exchange
Statue of Liberty
Ground Zero
Walked across Brooklyn Bridge
Manhatten Bridge
Madison Ave.
Bunch of subway lines.
Grand Central Station
McDonalds at Grand Central Station
Times Square
McDonalds at Times Square
Da Bronx
Wall Street
Trump Tower
Empire State Building
Over all, it was a pretty productive trip. Had a great time being with my Dad. We should be back in our hotel by 1:00 in the morning. We'll leave for the airport at around 4:00 A.M. for an exciting day of travel!!!! Can't wait for that 3 hour nap.
I'll put some pictures up when I've got more time and better signal. Probably need to go. I think I just heard my Dad snore. Did I mention he's driving?
Here's a list of the ones we saw:
New York Stock Exchange
Statue of Liberty
Ground Zero
Walked across Brooklyn Bridge
Manhatten Bridge
Madison Ave.
Bunch of subway lines.
Grand Central Station
McDonalds at Grand Central Station
Times Square
McDonalds at Times Square
Da Bronx
Wall Street
Trump Tower
Empire State Building
Over all, it was a pretty productive trip. Had a great time being with my Dad. We should be back in our hotel by 1:00 in the morning. We'll leave for the airport at around 4:00 A.M. for an exciting day of travel!!!! Can't wait for that 3 hour nap.
I'll put some pictures up when I've got more time and better signal. Probably need to go. I think I just heard my Dad snore. Did I mention he's driving?
Tired and Bummed, but a Good Day
I'm so tired. We just got back from the train station. I'm not going to write much tonight, nor will I put up pictures, because I've got to be up in about 5 hours. Quick summary: Saw some very interesting American History as we walked the Freedom Trail. Saw some even more interesting American History at Fenway Park. Sox lost by one. It was a heartbreaker. It was still fun though. We'll be heading to NYC tomorrow morning. Gotta go. Need some sleep.
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