THEE FENWAY PARK!!!!First time ever inside Fenway. The Sox lost 9-8, but it was still a great night. Unfortunately, we were there one day too early. Clay Buchholz pitched a no-hitter in his second ever start the next day. The seats at Fenway are the most cramped seats I've ever seen. I actually had to wedge my butt into the seat, and I don't have a butt. The stadium was awesome though. You could just feel the history. The Monstah, Pesky Pole, Yawkey Way.
We got there a couple hours early to walk around the park.
Even the street signs were awesome.
Yawkey Way
Kevin Millaaahhh is still a fan favorite despite now playing for Baltimore.The great Johnny Pesky, who played short stop for the Sox back in the 40s and 50s. He still comes to all the home games in full uniform.

This picture was taken from our seats. Pretty cool huh? I could actually pee on the field from my seat; not that I would.

I was sitting in the lone red seat when I took this picture. Legends has it, Ted Williams hit a homerun this far and hit a guy that was asleep sitting in this seat. It was a 502 foot homer.

Me and Dad, next to the seat.

Big Papi rounding third after a monster homerun.

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