A few weeks ago we went to for our 20 week ultrasound to confirm what Katie already knew that Rufus is a boy. It was exciting for Chad, Papa Rick and me but Kaitlin was more interested in the Mickey Mouse calendar hanging on the wall.

Kaitlin started sleeping in her big girl bed Christmas night. She loves it! She now believes that all of her babies must sleep with her so she sleeps with 8 and covers them completely with blankets. It doesn't leave her a lot of room but she's happy.

Christmas week we got together with more family for more presents and fun. I didn't take a lot of pictures because my pregnant brain can't seem to remember to do things like that, but here are a few from when we went to Infantry Museum.

Owen loves all things Army and even went and bought him some BDUs (or whatever they are called now) after the museum.

The meseum is great and free! There is so much to do there and we will have to go back next time our nephews are in town to see more.
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