Thursday was Piglet's 3rd birthday. The day started off going to a checkup for Rufus. All is good and I am dialated to a 3-3 1/2 and am 80% effaced. Piglet loves going to hear Rufus' heartbeat.

After that we saw some friends, went to lunch and then we ran a few errands. I had a return for Babies R Us so we had to look at toys. One of the ladies that worked there found out that it was Piglet's birthday so they gave her a crown and a balloon.

We also had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things like another balloon and cake. Piglet was so excited about her balloons, she pretended that they were kites and flew them all around the house. We got home just before a bad storm came through that knocked out our power. Thankfully it was nothing too serious and Piglet's room has plenty of natural light.

After playing with the balloons for a while we played big church. Here you can see Piglet leading everyone in singing.

Being Memorial Day weekend there were no small cakes with flowers on them. That was okay with Piglet since she wanted one with an American flag on it. The American flag cake was just a little too small for 5 people so she happily picked one with sprinkles on it instead.

For someone that loves attention she was a little shy when we sang Happy Birthday to her.

Notice the bad lighting. The power came on around 7. Piglet didn't seem to mind since we had presents to play with.

Happy Birthday Piglet!!!!
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